Our Process
Upon receipt of the valve, the condition is assessed and necessary repairs are ascertained and documented on the internal Jobs Database, which is included in the valves’ permanent record.
The valve is then disassembled, cleaned and inspected. Critical dimensions are checked to establish that the parts are not below the minimum dimensions set by the manufacturer. The spring number is verified for the required set pressure where needed for relevant valves. The condition is re-assessed after dismantling and cleaning, and information is updated in the Jobs Database.
The valve is overhauled with lapping of the seats and discs, all flanges are faced to a new finish where needed and new gaskets, diaphragms and other parts are installed within the repair work.
The valve is re-assembled, and tested to the valves’ standard. Flanges are protected and the valve is then painted, tagged with its unique job/certificate number, and the Test Certificate is issued.